Pennsylvania State General Assembly
Neighbor Requirements
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Must be at least 21 y/o*
Can not be older than 65 y/o
US Citizen for at least 4 years*
Must be registered to vote
Must be a resident of the district at least 1 year*
Must be a resident of the state at least 4 years*
Must be of sound mind
Must be legally eligible to hold elected office in the state of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Senate
Must be at least 25 y/o*
Can not be older than 63 y/o
US Citizen for at least 4 years*
Must be registered to vote
Must be a resident of the district at least 1 year*
Must be a resident of the state at least 4 years*
Must be of sound mind
Must be legally eligible to hold elected office in the state of Pennsylvania
Terms & Conditions
To be named a Neighbor, you must be randomly selected and meet the following criteria:
For Pennsylvania House of Representatives: Must be at least 21 years old and no older than 65 years old. Must be a US Citizen for at least 4 years. Must be registered to vote. Must be a resident of the district at least 1 year and a resident of the state at least 4 years.
For Pennsylvania Senate: Must be at least 25 years old and no older than 63 years old. Must be a US Citizen for at least 4 years. Must be registered to vote. Must be a resident of the district at least 1 year and a resident of the state at least 4 years.
In addition, you cannot be a failed primary candidate. Your name cannot appear anywhere on the general election ballot. You must be of sound mind and you must abide by all campaign finance rules.
Article II, Section 7 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides that any person convicted of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other infamous crime is ineligible to hold any office of trust or profit in the Commonwealth. The courts have determined that the term “other infamous crime” includes all felony convictions.
The only information that will be made public from this entry survey will be the date entered, zip code, and the unique ID code generated upon completion. This will be updated regularly on the Vote For A Stranger website to make the process as transparent as possible.
If you are randomly selected to be a Neighbor, you will have 48 hours from the initial contact from Vote For A Neighbor to decide if you would like to be accept and pursue becoming a your districts Neighbor. The 48 hours starts when you are reached out to, meaning the clock has started even if you did not answer the call or see the email right away.
Vote For A Neighbor will not make your personal information publicly available (except zip code, entry date, and unique code as stated above) and will not sell or share your information.
Terms and conditions may change depending on updates to local, state, or federal laws.
To ensure as much transparency as possible from Vote For A Neighbor, an anonymous list of entrants will be updated regularly on each State Neighbors page that will include the zip code and the unique ID code given when completing the survey to enter to be a Stranger.
There needs to be a minimum of 25 qualified entrants for a Neighbor to be selected for a district. If a district does not receive enough entrants no Neighbor will be drawn.